The life mission of Master Edgar Ta, master of Ayurveda and Tantra, who spent seven years in north India, Tibet, China, Nepal, and Bhutan two times, is aimed at teaching and defining the present, nature and life. During the Russian occupation of Lithuania, at the age of 4 1/2 he and his parents were transtorted to a Siberian forced labor camp called gulag. After loosing his parents he escaped from the camp with the kind help of a Mongolian Chinese Master and his dog. Thus, began his journey in education.

Based on this knowledge and experience, Master Edgar Ta has developed and taught a methodology on development of spirituality and extra-sensual bio-energy abilities. Touch Tantra takes into consideration the principles of lunar phases and personal biorhythms which lead us to heal ourselves and boost vitality and creativity. This methodology also introduces new ways of meditation, such as breathing and light energy excercises. This kind of meditation calms you down and unifies your mind, heart and soul. Touch Tantra also takes into account different living conditions and includes a dozen of various approaches and senses, mainly based on feminine principles.

His lectures include:

  • Psychology of nourisment and individualization: causes of fatigue and depression, loss of activity and vitality.
  • Tantra and body, nourishment, psyche, soul and spirit.
  • Development of psychological and spiritual abilities and prospects.

This methodology was successfully proofed by hundreds of people who have recovered from serious illnesses. Furthermore, other people who have applied these principles have confirmed that this is a unique and flexible methodology. Positive changes have been observed not only medically, but also in personal, professional and spiritual development in life. Master Edgar Ta belives that the first and most important condition to a full recovery is to admit that we do not live a proper life and commit to the decision of change. Afterwards, we are able to deal with problems which we consider constant and therefore try to live with them.

Master Edgar Ta explains and shows how to respect nature and how to recover our lost mental and body harmony by applying bio-energy exerices. He also puts a great emphasis on education, knowledge and the interconnectivity between medcine, physiotherapy and reflexology. Master Edgar Ta is a worldwide respected mentor who organizes seminars and lectures not only in the Czech Republic but also abroad.

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Photo Patrik Borecký, grafika Cudesign.